WILLEM MIDDELKOOP reveals, America collapses, commodities & opportunities in GOLD. By Hugo Investing

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Immerse yourself in the world of geopolitics, economic shifts and investment insights with Willem Middelkoop, who was a guest of Hugo Investing. At an exclusive seminar for Hugo Investing guests, Willem Middelkoop shared his in-depth knowledge. Now we interview Willem Middelkoop as one of our stock market editors vlogs. Discover the impact of the rise of the BRICS countries, the decline of the dollar as a global currency and crucial investment trends. Would you also like to be invited next time? email us at info@hugoinvesting.com
The rise of BRICS countries and the potential end of American hegemony is a significant factor for investors to consider.
🌍The world is transitioning from a unipolar to a multipolar world, with the Dollar system continuing to exist but also a trading system initiated by BRICS.
💰According to Willem Middelkoop, America’s period of ruling the world is coming to an end, with its national debt being unsustainable at 32,000 billion.
💰China’s ability to use its own currency for commodity trades, like buying oil, poses a threat to the dominance of the US dollar in global transactions.
💡The low price earnings ratio in the mining industry, between 5 and 10, is extremely low, making it an opportune time for investment.
💸The US currently spends 6% of its budget on interest alone, totaling over 1000 billion, putting pressure on the economy.
💡Copper is essential for the energy transition and we will need almost twice as much copper over the next 20-30 years than we have used in all of humanity.
💰The purchase price of raw materials is expected to rise sharply in the coming years, presenting a significant opportunity for investors.
Listen to Willem Middelkoop discuss opportunities in gold, global investing and the impact of geopolitical tensions on financial markets. A must-watch for those who want to keep abreast of the latest economic developments and investment decisions.

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